2021-03-14 15:30 | 来源:未知 | 作者:admin


  1. Freeze!   就是“别动!”的意思,千万别理解为“结冰”或“冷冻”。   2. Hands up.   很简单,“举起手来”。   3. You are surrounded.   你被包围了。   4. Put your weapon down.   放下你的武器。   5. Come out with your hands up!   举起手出来。   6. Drop your weapon and hit the floor.   把你的武器丢在地上。   7. Give yourself up, there is no escape.   放弃抵抗,你已经无路可逃了。   8. Put your hands behind your back and lie down.   把你的双手放在背后躺在地上。(注意是面朝下)   9. Let the hostages go, you are in enough trouble already.   放人质走,你已经没希望了,逃不掉了。   其实,还有一句非常关键,也最为常见的话,你一定见过,只是它有点长:   You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him present while you are questioned. If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, one will be appointed to represent you before questioning, if you wish one.   这就是著名的“Miranda Warning(米兰达警告)”,即“你有权保持沉默……”。我想这句话你已经在电影电视中听得耳朵都出茧了吧?但是这句话的意义你可千万不能忽视:不要在敏感的情况下乱说话。在非常时刻,多说多措,少说少错,不说不错。